Notices & Updates

What the Government's Road map out of Lockdown means

Last week the Government published its roadmap for the gradual and staged easing of lockdown restrictions in England. Questars welcomes the news that formally organised outdoor sports – for adults and under 18s – can provisionally restart from the 29 March 2021 and will not be subject to the gathering limits, but should be compliant with any guidance issued.

Planning as Normal

Questars will, if necessary, issue a further update once specific Government guidance for sport is made available. But in the meantime, it is currently still our intention for the first race of this year – the 2021 Cotswolds Adventure Race – to take place on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th May 2021 as planned.

We will notify you if anything changes

Rest assured, you will be the first to know if things should change. If any changes have to be made to the 2021 Cotswolds Adventure Race, to comply with any new guidelines, then these will be disseminated by email to all race entrants and also added to the Questars website noticeboard. So unless you hear otherwise by email, or see otherwise on the Questars website, then the 2021 Cotswolds Adventure Race is going ahead as planned.

Thank you in advance for your continued patience, understanding and support during these uncertain times.

The Quest Team

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